Glenn McIntyre hitting one down the center of the fairway off the tenth.
Wayne Morrison teeing off on the par 3 third.
Tony Carmona setting up on the tenth tee.
Rob Rickless, who finished second in the Net Division A, hitting off the tenth tee.
Rob Rickless taking it back on the par 3 third.
Mark Seibel hitting off the tenth tee.
Low gross winner Fred Mather, with a 75 on the very windy day, with his iron shot to the par 3 third.
Lew Weitzman, who took third in the Net Division A, starting his backswing on the tenth.
Mark Barry with his tee shot off the tenth tee.
Steve Preble with his iron shot to within 5 feet on the 186 yard par 3 third hole.
Jeff Mucciarone hit this mid-iron shot the within 3 feet on the 186 yard par 3 third, and made his second straight birdie.